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Sphere: "We are parts of the whole"

The gift global concept is to network people.

Everyone wants to be a part of some close-knit group, company, or, maybe a private club. Feeling like an important segment of something, be it the student club or the Forbes list, is great!))

The most common type of business-gifts is targeted at uniting a persons with a brand, less often with other people.

That is why the main goal of the “Parts of the Whole” project is to unite people not only with the brand but also with each other, to create some kind of artifact that you can be proud of.

The essence of the gift is that it can be divided into separate components, like a three-dimensional constructor, and given to people united by the community. The advantage is that each part of it will remind you for a long time about the network to which the owner belongs.

For example, at the graduation party of the institute, a group of alumni was presented with the sphere of "part of the whole" as the embodiment of unity, common interests and aspirations. Every year, by tradition, they will meet and collect their segments in a sphere.

· It is significant size

· The logo company inside

· It is the decorating any shelf with awards

· All parts can be taken out from a very big ball of 90 cm.

· It unites

· It is remembered

There are many reasons for receiving such gifts: for example, awards, anniversary gifts, Olympiads, company birthdays, i.e. when people United by common goals and ideas gather in one place. The owner of each piece of the sphere will understand that he has a piece that unites like minded people who own the same piece of the sphere!

Imagine for a moment, your emotions in decades, when you will be able to put the sphere together with your friends and partners?!